Monday, June 28, 2010


Well, I heard about Grandma Haws. That's sad, but I know that we will see her again. Tell Perry, "What's up?!" or "Que tal!?". Ha!

We went ice skating today, so that was fun. My comp was dieing. It was way funny. It's been good here. I took some sweet pics for mom, so I hope that she likes them.

Dad, I can't believe that you blew up the lawnmower! I never did anything THAT bad! Gosh! Ha! I hope all is well.

We had zone conference and, yes, mom my new sector is way different. I live about 200 feet away from the airport. So, I don't sleep too well. But, I'm getting used to it.

I still miss my buddies in Otavalo. I am very glad that I was sent there. Those 7 months I spent there were amazing. We are working incredibly hard here. My area is a hard area. We keep finding new people, but they are all wicked. For example, the kids just want to party all the time. They don't want to change. One of the kids invited us to a party. We just looked at her and said that she was crazy and that she needed to change her life. Ha!

Dad you'd better get ripped. I am waking up at 6 every morning and working out. It's all for the mucho fishes in the sea! Tay-man, way to go with the ladies. When I get home I'll take you to the dances in my black Subaru WRX.

Mom, next Friday we are going to make your rolls with a Sister from Chile. I am way excited! Ha!

Chrissy, my quad posters had better still be up. Also, I am taking that bed when i get home. Ha! Annie, porque esta tan loca. You're way crazy! Breaking things? I am glad to hear that you are getting your cast off soon. That's sweet!

I love you all! I hope that you like the pics. Bye, bye!

Con amor

Elder Edginton

Monday, June 21, 2010


So, I like the improvement in the letter writing! Keep it up!

I am in Logan's old ward now, so that's sweet. The members are way sweet, but they don't really help us that much. We are trying to change that, though. We had interviews with the President and he gave me permission to get after the members for not helping us. Ha! It was way funny.

So, I was thinking about Dad coming and think that I would really like it if at least Tay and you, Mom, came too. I want you all to see the joy that is here and the love that I share with the people in both, Otavalo and here in Quito. I didn't really think I really made a difference in Otavalo. However, when I left everyone kept saying things like thank you, thank you for everything you have done, you have a sweet heart and blessed our families so much.

Mom, I love you guys SO much! I never really showed that love with you guys when I was back at home. But, here I've really let myself shine. Every night I pray and ask our Father in Heaven to bless you guys and the families that I teach and families that I have taught. I've never cared about other people as much as I do now. So, if all of you could come, please do! Sell the boat for heaven sakes!! I hate that thing! Ha! As a family goal I would like all of you to come. I know that the experience would bless you all and really make a difference in your lives. Sorry, the spirit told me to say it. Ha!

Anyway, it's all good out here. Ethan Gallaway is home. Man, Portuguese is just drunken Spanish!

Mom, I am going to bear my testimony in Spanish and Kichwa for you in my Otavalo clothes and everything. I attached 2 photos. So, I hope that you enjoy. If you could send me my Jamcam that would be sweet. Just hide it in the package and say it's just candy. That way it should get to me.

Well, I love you all so much! Dad, just a year left and I will weed-eat the whole field for you. If you want you can work me like a rented mule! Ha! Well, juyani!

Con amor,

Elder Edginton

Monday, June 14, 2010


So, I had a crazy week! I got the door slammed in my face about 200 times. However, we do have 2 baptisms this months. Oh, and I would love love to send pics to you but I got Robbed!

Man, I was mad. I wanted to do something but then I realized, oh ya you've got a knife and I'm a servant of the Lord. Would Christ beat the trash out of the person? Nope! So, off they went with my camera. That's how it is for a gringo here in Ecuador. Ha!

Other then that, it's been all good. We are teaching a lot and everyone here is crazy about the World cup, which is going on right now.

We went bowling today and I dominated, which was sweet! It was only 3 bucks to bowl as much as we wanted. Oh, and Dad, don't worry. Next week I am buying us Ray-ban sunglasses. I also need to know when I need to talk to the President about you coming. That way you can order your ticket now so that it will be cheaper.

Tay, write more! I know that I'm the best bro ever, but whats happening in your life? Annie and Chrissy write more than both you. Dad, that goes for you too... sometimes. Ha! Mom, good work! You dominate with writing.

Here is the address to send the package to:

Manuel Sanchez
Ecuador -Otavalo
Sector 4 Esquinas Cotama
telifono 062924803
cel 088553024

con amor

Elder Edginton

P.S. I will try and figure out what to do for a camera. So, don't worry about it, ok? love you all

Monday, June 7, 2010


Ok, so I finally got a change! It was really sad. We called over to the famliy Muñoz´s house, which is my favorite family here in Ecuador. We all cried and bore our testimonies. I thanked them all for what they did. I felt like I was leaving my home again. It was SO sad.

So, now I am here in Quito in the ward of President Sloan! Way crazy! Ha! My new comp is from here and his name is Elder Cohrnes. He is pretty cool. I know that we are going to have success. I just miss Otavalo, but like mom says, I am here for a reason. I am going to love these people no matter what.

Oh, and guess what? I ate Mcdonalds for the first time after 6 months! Sweet right? So, all is good. I am just down emotionally because I miss all the families in Otavalo, but I know I am here for a reason.

Well, I hope you guys all have fun. Just send me the package for the girls and i'll get it to them. I left the address for the care packages in the house and i'll send it next week. I hope that's OK.

Well, I love you SO much and I hope you are all doing well.

con amor

Elder Edginton