Monday, June 21, 2010


So, I like the improvement in the letter writing! Keep it up!

I am in Logan's old ward now, so that's sweet. The members are way sweet, but they don't really help us that much. We are trying to change that, though. We had interviews with the President and he gave me permission to get after the members for not helping us. Ha! It was way funny.

So, I was thinking about Dad coming and think that I would really like it if at least Tay and you, Mom, came too. I want you all to see the joy that is here and the love that I share with the people in both, Otavalo and here in Quito. I didn't really think I really made a difference in Otavalo. However, when I left everyone kept saying things like thank you, thank you for everything you have done, you have a sweet heart and blessed our families so much.

Mom, I love you guys SO much! I never really showed that love with you guys when I was back at home. But, here I've really let myself shine. Every night I pray and ask our Father in Heaven to bless you guys and the families that I teach and families that I have taught. I've never cared about other people as much as I do now. So, if all of you could come, please do! Sell the boat for heaven sakes!! I hate that thing! Ha! As a family goal I would like all of you to come. I know that the experience would bless you all and really make a difference in your lives. Sorry, the spirit told me to say it. Ha!

Anyway, it's all good out here. Ethan Gallaway is home. Man, Portuguese is just drunken Spanish!

Mom, I am going to bear my testimony in Spanish and Kichwa for you in my Otavalo clothes and everything. I attached 2 photos. So, I hope that you enjoy. If you could send me my Jamcam that would be sweet. Just hide it in the package and say it's just candy. That way it should get to me.

Well, I love you all so much! Dad, just a year left and I will weed-eat the whole field for you. If you want you can work me like a rented mule! Ha! Well, juyani!

Con amor,

Elder Edginton

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